Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was irresponsible for attacking Democrats for passing Healthcare Reform. He puts Americans’ financial well-being at risk as GOP pounce.
Stephen Lynch: Disparages Obamacare using GOP talking points (VIDEO)
Stephen Lynch’s attack on Obamacare using Republican talking points instead of simply seeking necessary fixes speaks to the spinelessness of many Democrats.
TODAY: Stop Internet Censorship
Today hundreds of websites — including Wikipedia, reddit, BoingBoing, and — have gone dark. They’re protesting the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA), bills in the House and Senate that could open the door to widespread Internet censorship.1 Thousands of supporters of the open Internet will soon rally […]
Mitt Romney Destroys Jobs. Do Not Buy The Hype
Paul Krugman in the New York times article Bain, Barack and Jobs lays it out well. While it is true that we were in a free fall when President Obama walked into office, those job losses were not because of any of his policies. That said, Obama’s job creation though anemic because of the intransigence […]
Texas Job Miracle An Ode To Keynesian Economics–It Works! His Job Creation Came From Government
Will the mainstream media report this chart? It turns out that as reported at TPM Rick Perry’s Texas Job miracle is nothing more than the successful implementation of Keynesian economics. The chart above shows it all. Inasmuch as Texas is a low wage state, a low regulation state, and a business laissez-faire state, the economic […]
Why Are We So Darn Hard Up? by Bob Henderson (Chairman of Kay County, Oklahoma, Democrats.)
Why Are We So Darn Hard Up? by Bob Henderson Do you wonder why our national, state and city governments are so hard up, why, despite heavy borrowing, there’s never enough money to pay for better schools, healthcare for our poorest families, repairs our infrastructure so badly needs? Do you wonder why too many children, […]
President Obama Must Channel Eisenhower & Roosevelt
Eisenhower Quote Roosevelt Quotes “Not only our future economic soundness but the very soundness of our democratic institutions depends on the determination of our government to give employment to idle men.” “The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough […]
Citizens for Media Reform — an introduction by Tabitha Justice
Citizens for Media Reform — an introduction by Tabitha Justice Today I invite you to join me on a journey to deconstruct the often confusing and frustrating relationship between the political establishment and the media establishment in America. If we can understand the system, we can change it. We can take the best parts of […]
Republicans Speeding Off a Cliff? by Bob Henderson Chair Of Kay County, OK Democrats
Republicans Speeding Off a Cliff? by Bob Henderson Chair, Kay County , OK, Democrats In the 1950s film “Rebel Without a Cause,” two teen-age drivers play a game of chicken. They drive speeding cars toward a cliff, and the driver who jumps out first is chicken. The plan is for both cars to hurl over […]
Educate Folks On oUr Muslim Brethren- Hate Has No Place In America (VIDEO)
Americans in general are a good and trusting people. Have you ever noticed that for the most part whenever you engage in one on one conversation with anyone irrespective of religion, ethnicity, race, creed, or other that it is generally pleasant? Even if you get into the complexities of religion and politics a certain amount […]