Sometimes I wonder how Americans can be so willfully uninformed. Then a comedian like Jon Stewart takes a snippet of news and in one simple comedic analysis of the real analysis of an event, it becomes completely evident why. Many of us Liberals and Progressives like to blame mostly the Right Wing Echo Chamber of […]
Cartoon about global economic chaos and the debt ceiling Even The Tea Party Can Understand
Sometimes cartoon characters do the best job in expressing the stupidity of a particular position and/or ideology. Maybe this should be shared at Right Wing and Tea Party sites since it brings the non-sensical into a manner even a child could understand. At first I simply laughed with great exasperation. But after thinking a bit […]
Realizing American Ideals by Bob Henderson (Chair, Kay County, OK Democrats)
Realizing American Ideals by Bob Henderson Chair, Kay County, OK Democrats I have been trying, for several months now, to make the case for progressive governmental policies by presenting what I believe are factual arguments. However, research shows most people base their votes on emotions, not facts. I am committed to human equality. My commitment […]
Outsourcing Now Hits The Semi-Wealthy: Bankers Eating Their Own
We have been outsourcing jobs now for years. To say that it has been destroying the fabric of this nation is an understatement. After all we are now living in a country where while we still have a manufacturing base, it is disappearing progressively faster as our titans of capital continue to maximize profits by […]
Texas 2011 Legislative Session A Failure That Will Be Harmful To An Entire Generation
I could not help but feel the pain Senator Davis is feeling as she sees a Legislative session that not only failed to correct Texas’ fiscal problems, but a legislature that passed arcane laws like the “vaginal probe anti-abortion bill” which they claim was an emergency. While much is spent ensuring all children irrespective of […]
Trickle Down Has Failed The Middle Class Get The Facts!
I ultimately have faith in the American people. What is important is that Americans get the real information. Unfortunately all our media networks are controlled by or dependent on major corporations. The reality that major corporation are ultimately the funding sources for the mass media means these will either take a pro corporate stance irrespective […]
Dear America: The People Must Lead by Annabel Park
Dear America, This is not the time to feel demoralized and give up. It is tough out there, but we’re not alone. We are in this together even though many fail to see it. Hatred, selfishness, and division must not replace good will, sense of humanity, and innovation as the defining attributes of this nation. […]
Crooked Politicians, Businessmen, & Bankers Pilfer Town Causing Massive Layoffs and Tax Hikes–Unfettered Capitalism In Action
We continuously hear Right Wing Conservatives continue to attack banking regulations. We continuously hear Right Wing Conservative Republicans talk about the market taking care of itself. We continuously hear Republicans defend bankers at all cost. The fact is that bankers creation of unregulated financial instruments are directly the cause of our near fatal crash. To […]
Thank you Mr. President…You’re Awesome … Just a Snippet Of Your Accomplishments
I received this email from my mother earlier today. I was taken aback because most of the times I get any chain letters with President Obama in the title, it is usually a hateful misleading chain letter intent on misinforming Americans into doubting arguably one of the most thoughtful, thinking, pragmatic, and effective presidents we […]
President Obama Should Get Off The Free Trade Bandwagon. It is Anti-American, Anti-Middle Class, and Unpatriotic
President Obama met with the President of the country I am originally from, Panama last week. The signature point in the US/Panamanian relationship seems to be the free trade mantra. Inasmuch as a free trade agreement with Panama would likely increase employment in Panama, it is disingenuous to state that it will increase jobs in […]